Philodendron White Knight

Philodendron White Knight

About Philodendron White Knight

Philodendron White Knight is an easy-to-grow tropical plant. White Knight philodendron has its origin from South America. It could be planted as a house plant, and also as an outdoor plant provided the climate is mild.

White Knight is a very rare but easy to grow variegated philodendron that tends to be rather slow growing but well worth the wait. This leaves are splattered with color and it has the most unusual purple brown and cream colored stems. The reason for the slow growth is that the nodes are only a half inch apart creating a much more compact foliage appearance. This plant is a real winner. Though White Knight is actually a climbing variety it can maintain its bushy form by simply trimming it back once or twice per year. These are very healthy tropical plants with well-established root systems. The growth rate and leaf color of White Knight will vary greatly depending on soil type, sunlight, temperature and other factors. A few leaves are often trimmed prior to shipping to reduce transpiration and travel stress.

Philodendron White Knight - Nursery Kebun Bandar
Philodendron White Knight

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How to take care of Philodendron White Knight

White Knight are very easy to grow tropical plants that require little care indoors or out. Like other aroids, many species of Philodendron can be grown as houseplants, or outdoors in mild climates. They thrive in moist soils with high organic matter and grow best when provided with filtered sunlight. Philodendron plants can be grown in pots, hanging baskets or outdoors as a landscape plant. Indoors plants thrive at temperatures between 55°- 80°F and in lower light conditions than other house plants. In the ground philodendrons get big and are often unrecognizable from their potted juvenile state. They add a wonderfully tropical accent to any well-lit space or cascading from your favorite planter. When you receive your new Philodendron, there is no need to worry about planting right away. Your new plant can be stored for a while by simply placing it in a bucket with about a half inch of water in the bottom and moving it to a shady location. You can then add some mulch to keep your plant standing upright. The mulch will also supply nutrients while in storage. This will give you plenty of time to select the ideal location for your new Philodendron.

  1. Container size - Philodendron grow very well in patio and indoor containers. Allow enough room for growth generally a 10″ to a 20″ diameter, 10″ deep container will suffice to get started. Remember the looser the roots, the taller and healthier your plant will be. When the plant becomes root bound its growth will slow, at that point it is time for a larger pot.
  2. Soil - White Knight Philodendrons enjoy well drained but moist, rich organic mix. Remember try to stay away from wet, mucky or dry, sandy soils.
  3. Fertilizer - To help establish your new White Knight Philodendron, fertilize sparingly at least 6 inches away from the base, tri-annually with a slow time released product. Unfertilized they will tend to grow very slowly. Note: The heavy salts in cheaper fertilizers will damage the roots and possibly kill the plant.
  4. Light - Plants depend on the energy derived from sunlight to produce the nutrients they need. However, the amount and intensity of sunlight required by individual plants differ. Philodendron White Knight requires mild sunlight to thrive. Filtered sunlight is most desirable. Direct exposure to sunlight will lead to the burning of leaves. The beauty of a Philodendron White Knight comes from the intensity of the color variation of its leaves, which are green and white. When planted in a shady environment for 2 to 3 months, it loses its color variation and hence loses its beauty. However, the white portion of the leaves is susceptible to sunlight. When exposed to intense direct sunlight, it burns off quickly. Hence, for a philodendron White Knight, it is recommended to expose it to bright, indirect sunlight. 
  5. Water - Philodendron White Knight is a water-loving plant. Watering should be done with a moderate amount of water. You must ensure the plant’s soil is moist at all times. Watering with excessive water must be avoided to prevent killing the plant. When the plant’s soil is excessively watered or saturated with water, it reduces the rate of oxygen intake by the plate from the soil. It could lead to rotting of the plant root, which is the most critical and crucial part of a plant. When the roots are rotten, the plant will be nutrient deficient and, in the long run, will lead to the death of the plant when not properly cared for. When and how do you know when to water your plant? This can be done by feeling the soil texture with your fingers. If the soil contains some moisture, it will stick on the fingers, but when it doesn’t, it will fall off. After this has been done and it was confirmed that water moisture is present, you can postpone the watering of the plant. Otherwise, you water it at the very moment.

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Philodendron White Knight - Nursery Kebun Bandar

Philodendron White Knight

Sample Picture in Our Nursery

Sample Picture in Our Nursery

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